What is Anti-Social Personality Disorder?

What is “Anti-Social Personality Disorder”? ASPD is a Cluster B personality type.

Approximately 4% of the general population of the world meet clinical specifications for the diagnostic criteria established by the DSM-5. Among the generalized group of people classified, there are several emergent fields of research and ongoing Abnormal Psychology studies.

Not only can folks be considered Anti-Social in general (a mild condition that emotionally disconnects a person from friends, family, and all others not like them among humanity), there are more extreme personality disorders like fully blown Sociopathy or Psychopathy, Malignant Narcissists, and other people who have comorbid conditions like Narcopaths (people whose fundamental core nature is extremely sociopathic and narcissistic by diagnostic criteria at the same time).

In children, the precursor to having Anti-Social Personality Disorder is something called “Childhood Conduct Disorder”. Children with such personality types have roughly a 50/50 chance of developing the condition when full-grown.

Parents of such individuals — many of whom are suspected or have been proven to have been “born that way” — face a difficult choice.

Do they modify their entire lifestyle, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and roll the dice that they themselves make it through the parenting process alive in the hopes they can help their ASPD child properly integrate into society even if their “Emotional IQ” is likely to remain functionally deficient for life — or do they protect themselves, siblings, family pets, and their own lifestyle functionality?

Sadly, the answer to that question can only be answered by paying attention and observing the patterns. As children grow older chronologically and in intellect, parents have tough choices to make about how to protect themselves from their adult children in later years. There is no one right answer about how to deal with offspring that are, by nature, trauma, or nurture abusive with others.

Here are just a few factors to consider:

  • Most parents opt to turn custody over to the state by the time a child reaches elementary or middle school age in order to safeguard themselves, other family members, and local area neighbors.
  • Parents who decide to caretake a youngster exhibiting early warning signs of Childhood Conduct Disorder (CCD) normally forgo socializing, vacations, time away from the child, and career (academic or professional) goals.
  • Sending a child with CCD to daycare, traditional school settings, or leaving them unsupervised extensively is not recommended for the safety of others — not the child whose behaviors are in question.
  • Children and pets who reside in the home with a child who is suspected of having Conduct Disorder or shows evident signs of rage, aggression, sadism and a deep-seated lack of empathy or no predictable emotional compassion are in the most danger.
  • Resist the urge to minimize if your child shows signs of an emerging Cluster B personality disorder like any form of ASPD.
  • Learn how to use rewards-based socialization mentoring to encourage an emotionally neutral or child with no clear sense of remorse or empathy present in his or her conscience to habitualize proper socially functional behaviors.

Consult with a licensed behavior specialist in your area for more information about CCD or any signs a child or family member may be suffering from (or enjoying) showing signs they have a narcissistic temperament or Cluster B personality disorder.

Anti-Social Personality Disorder is a personality type shared by roughly 4% of the human population. It has no cure but with the cooperation of the individual who exhibits problematic behavior as well as that of friends, family, and community support, behavior can (to a certain degree) be managed in such a way that the Cluster B person can thrive while limiting the damage they all compulsively by nature and habit tend to feel entitled to do to other people’s lives.

Whether you choose to go No Contact with a person who used deceit to win your affections or you are forced to continue to interact with an ASPD person due to familial obligation or some other form of a self-agreed civic tie is up to you. However, if you are not a Cluster B person or vertical thinker yourself, understand that you are their preferred scapegoat, a toy to entertain themselves with by abusing in order to provoke an emotional response, and the target of gaslighting.

If you are born with ASPD but have not yet turned violent, resist the urge. Short term thinkers tend to impulsively abuse, then regret having done so due to the consequences in later life.

If you are the parent of a child with ASPD, protecting yourself legally, medically, and financially is of the utmost importance, as you don’t want a Cluster B adult child in charge of your healthcare management decisions or making choices on behalf of yourself and other family members should you have an unforeseen illness or die before your actual trust and estate issues have by will or living trust be devised.

But the BEST piece of advice if you have an ASPD person in your immediate family is to let people know. Breaking the silence about the issue can help the ABUSER receive proper mental health care services as well as to help protect all targeted family members from the inevitable smear campaigns run by Abusers and their Enablers.

People with ASPD tend to seek out and find others like themselves. They prefer to use and abuse Empaths, People Pleasers, and people with high levels of emotional sensitivity.

If you are a kind person, expect the mind control and psychological games that all ASPD thinkers play to have a dramatic impact on your life, health, and family members each and every day.

If you are targeted romantically by one, end the social and emotional enmeshment as quickly as possible.

If you accidentally hire one, limit their professional power as well as place them on tasks that do not involve working directly with other people as soon as possible.

If you work for one, compliment. Offer NO constructive criticism or helpful advice. Start job hunting elsewhere as humanly possible.

If one works in your office, avoid them. Share NO personal insights or details. Avoid confrontation and quietly strive to be transferred out to another department.

If you are related to one by blood or forced to live with one due to a familial relationship, have faith. There are ways to learn to avoid abuse, to cope, to help other family members survive, and the world is likely to only get BETTER when and if you decide to limit, lessen, or end social enmeshment.

People with ASPD who are non-violent physically can be incredible workers and community service members due to their incredible non-complex natures. While they are not likely to neurologically process complex thought the same way due to biological suppression of complex emotions and vertical thinking propensities, they are the people most likely to stick stridently to schedules, to make fantastic factory workers, to become efficient soldiers of military ethos or fortune, and are those who adapt most readily to doing jobs in the workforce that other human beings find gross, mind-numbingly boring, or abhorrent.